The Grammar in Aphasia & Bilingualism
(GAB) Lab
Office Hours (Fall 2018): T/Th 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. or by appointment
Linguistics learning materials:
Linguistics can be a difficult subject to master. It requires students to think about language in a way that is novel for most. To make learning easier, I have created the following teaching materials:
flashcards where you can practice matching sounds in English words to IPA symbols
flashcards where you can practice matching IPA symbols' features to the IPA symbol it describes
course review jeopardy games (customized to LING300/PSYC470/ANTH373 at USC)
Courses taught:
Linguistics courses:
Introduction to Language (LING101, USC, 4 semesters)
Introduction to Language Science (LING300/PSYC470/ANTH373, USC, 2 semesters)
The English Language (LING301/ENGL389, USC, 1 semester)
English as a Second Language (ESL) courses:
Linguistic Skills for Non-Native Speakers 1 (LING102, USC, 2 semesters)
Linguistic Skills for Non-Native Speakers 2 (LING103, USC, 2 semesters)
ESL Conversation (Beginning – Advanced ESL, Chesapeake College, 9 semesters)
ESL Grammar & Writing ((Beginning – Advanced ESL, Chesapeake College, 9 semesters)
ESL Literature & Composition (Intermediate – Advanced ESL, Chesapeake College, 3 semesters)
GED for ESL (Intermediate – Advanced ESL, Chesapeake College, 3 semesters)
English Composition courses:
Critical Reading & Composition (ENGL102, USC, 3 semesters)
Rhetoric & Composition (ENGL101, USC, 1 semester)